Friday 4 October 2013


CfSU in collaboration with Rweco is implementing a three year project in Kabarole and Kasese districts aimed at improving literacy through innovative teaching and learning of English language. The project is supported by IICD and Edukans under the Connect for Change (C4C) alliance until the end of the year 2014.
On Monday, 30th September 2013 the commissioner private secondary Education Mr. Nsumba Lyazi Robinson attended a learning event organized by Computers for schools Uganda (CfSU) where secondary school teachers from project schools and non project schools participated.
           Mr. Nsuba Lyazi-Commisioner Private secondary Education addressing participants

Three non project schools including Mpanga S.S, Kamengo S.S and Kitumba S.S and three project schools including Kyebambe Girls School, St Leos College and Rutete S.S were invited with each school represented by four participants. 
                                    The commissioner and teachers in attendance
The non project schools were learning from the work done by project schools. Language/literature lessons were organized and at least one teacher from each of the project schools given a chance to teach at the event. These teachers were chosen to represent the respective schools based on their performance in the use of ICT for teaching and learning of English at school level. 
                                                 An English language lesson in progress

The learning event was held at St Leos College Kyegobe English room and was attended by 25 (10F,15M)  people. Other discussions and questions were answered at Kalya courts in Fort portal.
The event was also marking the climax of content creation and use competition where each school was given a chance to teach the students using ICT.  Kyebambe girls school emerged winner after Jeff Muhumuza a teacher of English at Kyebambe who displayed very interesting digital content and using it effectively. The decision was announced by Mrs. Manimake Susan-Inspector of schools Fort Portal Municipality.
                                          students attentive during a lesson

   Mr.Jeff Muhumuza a teacher of english from Kyebambe teaching Descriptive composition

In his speech, Mr Nsumba Lyazi elaborated that the world is driven by science and technology and we cannot afford to escape that fact because even teaching is now driven by technology. He mentioned that CfSU is doing a great job to expose the teachers so that they can expand on the knowledge and pass it on to Students.
Teachers were urged not to teach the way they were taught many years ago but rather introduce new things because every day there are new developments and children should not remain stuck on old ways and methods when the world is changing rapidly.
Over 83% of graduates in Uganda are unemployed simply because they are not innovative and lack creativity. Things must change and let children read, research enhance their critical thinking. Mr Lyazi requested teachers to open the eyes of learners so that they can see ahead.

Members suggested that English is the mother of all subjects, why can’t it be considered a science? The request went further to push for a buy in of government to embrace English labs just like science labs.
Mrs Manimake Susan the Inspector of Schools insisted that nowadays teaching must be learner centered (“I see I remember”, “I do I understand”) this will enable the learners to enhance the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. She mentioned that questions must be geared towards critical thinking so that you arouse the learners’ creativity.

                                         Mrs. Susan Manimake-Inspector of Schools Kabarole
The competition in content creation and use between Kyebambe Girls, St Leos College and Rutete was won by Kyebambe Girls followed by St Leos and Rutete emerged third.
This exposure will compel other schools to adopt ICT in their schools and those who are not fully utilizing the ICT facility will have the urge to maximize its use.